World of Databases for DS: PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Neo4J

Saikiran Dasari
3 min readDec 14, 2022


PostgreSQL | MongoDB | Neo4J

(Update your Resume with these cool databases!!)

Heyy Guys, I hope you all are doing great!!

It always feels fulfilling to share the knowledge that you get while working on the domain!

As a parallel to my Statistics and Probability Blogs going on.

I'm coming up with Blogs of Databases which is extremely relevant to Data Science day-to-day analysis.

I will be covering some of the Most Widely and popularly used Databases like:

NoSQL — MongoDB (Document Based)

MongoDB is an extremely popular database, and it can be used in different kinds of applications, such as desktop applications, mobile applications, or only in the backend for Data Science.

The demonstration will be Strictly Connected with PYTHON!!

Data is stored in a Key: Value pair the retrieval of the data becomes very Fast.

It supports GEOspatial Query. Since the data is stored in DOCUMENT Oriented Approach, so, the way we query the data is powerful as SQL.

It can be easily installed and is Highly Scalable

Relational Database — PostgreSQL

(I took this because as majority go with MySQL but one should have an understanding of this variety as well!) Much More relevant and It will Takeover the SQL

Image Source

How to set up and use PostgreSQL databases with the PgAdmin 4 interface!

There’s a reason why Postgres is so popular, find out why in my Blog

Postgresql has constantly ranked a top database for everything from data analytics to basic web development — and everything in between.

Postgres is pretty easy to use! You’ll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to dive in and get started!

Graph Database — Neo4J (GraphDB is something Very Crucial!)

Image Credits

Learn what a graph database is, and gain the fundamental skills to use Neo4j on your next project.

Fundamentals of using Neo4j — the world’s leading Graph Database, and its query language Cypher. You’ll learn graph database concepts, and gain practical skills in using Neo4j.

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I’ve Curated all the above databases as per my expertise in problem-solving activities in Data Science!

Database plays a vital role in Data Science apart from n number of fancy algorithms we have in our Machine learning and Deep Learning Specializations, we heavily use Databases at the first instance as the majority of our work gets there.

These BLOGS will be very handy to get your hands dirty on it and you can feel confident to show up these tools in your RESUME and work on the Projects.

Click Here to redirect to MongoDB Introduction and easy Installation BLOG, and well-prepared GitHub Document steps!

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Saikiran Dasari

Hi there, I’m a Data Scientist& CompScienceEngg, I like working on Data: Extraction, Pre-Processing & EDA, Feature-Engg, Modelling, NLP, Time-Series, Deployment